Sand Makes Printing Fun
Sometimes pen and paper make it hard for children to stay focused. Using creative ideas can help kids learn to practice their letters in a fun and more creative way. Using different mediums such as shells or sticks in the
Sometimes pen and paper make it hard for children to stay focused. Using creative ideas can help kids learn to practice their letters in a fun and more creative way. Using different mediums such as shells or sticks in the
Here is a great article from Dr. Stuart Shanker on Self Regulation from http://www.cea-ace.ca/education-canada/article/self-regulation-calm-alert-and-learning. It is a great read and really great for understanding a child potential difficulty with learning may be a result of the environment they are in. Self-Regulation:
Our hands are an important of our everyday activities. We need our hands to get dressed, brush our teeth, make our food, tie our shoes, and the list goes on. When our hands are weak, it makes these kinds of
I recently went to a talk on Mindfulness and Children that was great and I thought I would share some tidbits I learned from it. We live in a world where there is constantly information being fed to us in
Occupational Therapist, Mom of 4 and Founder of Enabling Adaptations. Bringing practical advice to parents that can help in those everyday situations. Building connection, and communicating effectively with your unique child to help them reach their greatest potential is my number one goal.