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When others just don’t understand your child

Do you ever find that your child gets called out for things that they don’t do or mean to do? 

I have a child (or two) like that.  They don’t mean to get distracted and do something else but they have difficulty focusing on what is at hand. 

When the material isn’t engaging their mind, and often hands, wander to do something else. 

Does this sound like your child?

Child sitting at desks talking

If the teacher or group leader is constantly reminding your child to sit still or focus on what they are doing, they may not understand your child’s needs. 


A teacher, for example, has many students in their class that they are trying to work with and it is hard to really understand each child’s needs.  That is why it is important to give the teacher some help in recognizing how to redirect your child to reengage them rather than getting them in trouble. 

As a parent, you know a lot more about your child than the teacher will. That is why learning how to describe your child and their needs is so valuable.  Think of it as giving the teacher a glance into the years of knowledge that you have. 

The key is using the right words and adding in solutions to the problems that arise. 

That is what an occupational therapist can help you with. I work with parents to help them understand their child and learn how to communicate their child’s needs to others. 

Book a free consultation to discuss your needs today.  



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About Sabrina

Occupational Therapist, Mom of 4 and Founder of Enabling Adaptations. Bringing practical advice to parents that can help in those everyday situations. Building connection, and communicating effectively with your unique child to help them reach their greatest potential is my number one goal.

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